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Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 1:43 am
by rz500guytexas
Was a good season working with the TZ. But the RZ was a beast and rock solid. Wish Rick Lance was still here to see his good work. Track day COTA had it all. Full out monsoon Saturday, rider down in front of me giving my first crash in years, and a frustarting crash festival on a cold damp track on Sunday. Took both bikes knowing rain was coming. Installed rain tire on 500 for Saturday and was happy I did. Became wetter and wetter as you will see how dark it became in the video. Became more confident as the day went on before the sky opened. Ran the TZ on Sunday to find the GP shift and I do not work. Switched shifter to go out on a cold, drying track.

First session Sunday had rider go down mid corner with no where for me to go. Increase lean and crash myself? All I could see was me running him over breaking his neck. Track was still damp and as he and the bike spread out in front of me, decision, the brakes and hope I stay up. Did a front stand on the brakes with his face inches, I mean inches, from my front wheel. Seriously inches, he grabbed my camera as he got up. I dropped the rear but could not get footing so set bike down on its side. Picked mine up as he scampered off over the wall. It is all on the video. Thank the baby JESUS for saving him. Safety crew came out, told them I was fine, gave me a push start, and off to the pits. THEY ARE TRULY BEST OF THE BEST AT COTA. Saw him in the pit and asked how he was, said fine, thanks and was my bike ok. He said he should not of passed me in the corner before. I said fuck the bikes, I almost broke your neck. Do not want to think of that hanging with me. He said all he saw was my front wheel in his face mask. We were both blessed that day. Helped him repair his bike so he could go out. He never gave me his info.

Continued to ride but red flags all day due to conditions. Finally had open track only to seize the 250. Back straight locked up, cold front came through, caught it rather quickly and coasted off track. One session left so put the tire warmers on the the 500 that still had rains mouted. Pirelli guy told me 35 off the warmers and go. Said it will be a bit squirmy in high speed corners, do all braking upright, and it will be what it is, deal with it. Was a hoot. Straight line stability was vaque at best. Seriosly need steering damper. My instructor said it was fun and forgot what it was like riding with a smoker. We did 4 laps together. Will post short video if you all want.

Been a good year even with COVID. Rode Laguna Seca on RZ and TZ, and an electric bike there, did California Superbike School, had MOTO AMERICA SUPERBIKE rider ride and evaluate the 500 at Barber Motorpark, retired, completing my house build, started social security, got schooled by a 10 year old at the race track, and planning conversion for trailer to toy hauler. OH DID I MENTION THE EVIL EMPEROR THAT I VOTED FOR IS GONE Let us all try to get this virus behind us and pray that the medical community can come up with a vaccine that is safe and effictive. I will post the videos as I get them uploaded. I will shorten them all. Everyone have a wonderful Chistmas and hope for a great new year full of health and lots of racing.


Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 11:59 am
by innovativems
Glad you're alright. Buddy of mine was down there with his v4s to run sunday. I was disappointed in him when he referred to your rz as a gamma. ha. Can't wait to see your video/pics of the weekend.